New Technology Lenses

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AcrySof® ReSTOR® is a breakthrough lens that uses apodize d diffractive technology to give patients a full range of vision — near through distance — and greatly reduces their reliance on reading glasses or bifocals. The AcrySof® ReSTOR® intraocular lens (IOL) is an artificial lens used in cataract surgery for patients with or without presbyopia. The unique patented optic design results in highly-predictable visual acuity results, meaning patients can read the text on items such as prescription bottles, magazines, newspapers and computer screens, while also providing the ability to see items at a distance independent of reading glasses or bifocals. In fact, clinical trials have demonstrated that four out of five patients reported never wearing glasses or bifocals following bilateral cataract surgery.

The AcrySof® Toric Intraocular Lens (IOL) is an advanced technology that now makes it possible to correct the cataracts clouding your vision — AND the corneal astigmatism distorting your vision — all at the same time.

The technology behind the AcrySof® Toric IOL offers precise astigmatic correction that reduces or eliminates corneal astigmatism and delivers significantly improved distance-vision without glasses or contacts for cataract patients with pre-existing astigmatism.

With the AcrySof Toric lens, your distance vision can be clear and vibrant, all in just one step!

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The ReZoom™ Multifocal Lens procedure is an advanced treatment for cataracts that helps most people see near, far and everything in between without depending on glasses all the time.

Today, cataract removal is generally performed as an outpatient procedure under local or topical anesthesia. You will be fully awake, but you will be comfortable and feel no pain. Typically, you will be asked to arrive an hour or so prior to your procedure, and you will be allowed to leave after a period of observation following your procedure. The procedure usually takes 15 to 45 minutes.

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Crystalens® is an accommodating intraocular lens that, unlike a standard IOL, can treat both a person’s cataracts and presbyopia- loss of near and intermediate vision. You probably noticed in your forties that you started to lose some of your up-close vision and had to start wearing reading glasses. crystalens not only treats your cataracts (a clouding or hardening of your lens), but can also reduce or eliminate your dependence on glasses. It does so by recreating accommodation similar to your eye’s natural lens. The unique crystalens can reduce or eliminate glasses for most activities including: reading a book, working on the computer, and driving a car.

Crystalens was modeled after the human eye. Like the natural lens, it uses the eye muscle to flex and accommodate in order to focus on objects in the environment at all distances. crystalens dynamically adjusts to your visual needs.

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